Saturday, April 17, 2021


Alarming decrease of animals species  around the world

It is evident that throughout the years we have seen less animals than before, some may ignore this, but the truth is that animals are going extinct. We must begin to work for the preservation. If we can´t care about them and protect them then will we able to keep living on the earth?

The World Animal Foundation estimates that by 2025 as many as one-fifth of all animal species may well have become extinct.  More precisely, according to National Geographic about 28,000 species of animals and plants are threatened, but the more alarming is that only 106,000 species of animals were assed of more than 1.5 million so,  until when will we continue to choose to ignore this big problem?

Humans are believed to be independent and powerful when in reality we depend on earth and its resources. There is no self-awareness onto the fact that when all of it becomes a dead-zone,  not even us will be able to live in.

I ask you again, will you like a world where the future generations suffer the consequences of all our present decisions?


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