Tuesday, April 13, 2021

A not so far future

Imagine going out into the wild in 1950 and now.  There are differences, aren't they?  This can be explained with the research and studies of the World Animal Foundation.  According to this entity, over 900 plants and animals are endangered and about 20 percent of the species of animals we know today will disappear by 2025.  Animal extinction is not just an alarming matter, it also is a signal that human activity is influencing it.

Taking action to stop this from happening is key, because changes such as this one should not be occurring.  Earth is inhabited by thousand of living individuals and species.  We all have an  specific way of living and, as an instinct, we interact with each other.  Animals, as living beings, are part of our environment and our surroundings.  Even when we don't notice it, they are a crucial part of society itself.  Unfortunately, due to mediocre human practices, animals have been becoming extinct.

Some may consider this phenomenon the evolution of our world, as it happened during the dinosaurs or the ice age.  Nevertheless, the figure of animals that will have disappeared by 2025 if we don't start using the rule of the three R's, reducing the use of plastic and non-biodegradable material, and educating ourselves about the suffering we are causing to these creatures and how to start avoiding it, animals won't be the only beings to be affected.

Endangered animals are in that state because of the actions we have taken through the years.  Species such as the Black Rhino, the Amur Leopard, and the Orangutan are just some of the beautiful animals with whom we won't be able to live anymore, admire, and take care of if we don't start taking action today to change the prediction of the WAF.

1 comment:


Excellent!The "future" starts TODAY, we need to take action now if we want to see a real change.

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