Friday, May 14, 2021

Friend or Enemy 


Technology hasn’t stopped and will not stop evolving, and it is because it’s improving lives.  From the medical field to communications, technology has not only made our lives easier, but it also makes education and health more accessible helps start a business and makes international communications a thoughtless process.  I believe that technology is one of the most important inventions, it’s given us phones, laptops, and cars among other things, but it’s also made an entire generation addicted to a black screen, another susceptible to fake news, and another feel the pressure of social media since the womb.  Technology is a double-edged sword. 

Although technology has affected my life positively in more than one way, I still believe that prioritizing ease, and temporary needs rather than a healthy mind and genuine relationships it’s the reason we keep going around this vicious circle.  Thinking that having surgery is worth a thousand likes is unbelievable and thinking that reposting a picture of a starving child makes us activists is also a problem.  Technology has made us believe that everything we do matters, and it has made us superficial and materialistic. 


For example, when you are eating at a restaurant your first instinct is to take a picture of your food, when you are with your family the first thing you do is post about it.  Everything you do, everything you buy and eat you do it to impress others instead of yourself.  We think that if we do not take a picture of our every move it somehow does not matter.  And this can be dangerous, texting or filming a video while driving, go to dangerous places to get the perfect photo, and spending money you do not have to not feel left out.  It can also affect our productivity, using our phone every moment we are awake is not healthy, wanting to know what is going on in the world 24/7 is an addiction, some people can’t even go to the bathroom without theirs.


I believe that technology has benefited us in immeasurable ways, but it has also left us with this sense of emptiness, we do not feel complete unless we always have a square in our pocket, we took something beneficial and helpful and turned it into to something harmful and addicting.  And I am afraid we have crossed the point where we cannot go back.  


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