Friday, May 14, 2021

Technology Progress: Positive or Negative?

 Technology Progress: Positive or Negative?

Technology has taken the lead in everything we do, how do we act, etc.  That sometimes we do not notice how much time we spend on it every day.  As I was thinking it is amazing and unimaginable to think what they did before technology.

One of the main reasons I have to really point out, is that it has changed how we communicate letters to a device at the size of our hand, on which we don´t need to travel to another country or state to deliver our message. This sure is effective and faster than before. Moreover, it can turn into addiction, as some people has experienced that without noticing we spend the whole day in this.

I can say I agree to the development that is having science and technology every year without limits, the idea of mixing both of them to the help of humanity is amazing, how we can take example from animals, and ask ourselves how do they manage to live during harsh environments. We can apply it to our hospitals, schools, etc. On the other side, as technology is not really that affordable to anyone just yet. Does this mean that this is only useful to medium and high class?

Nevertheless, the way structures are constructed has been changing overtime, as we discover materials that are more resistant to water, earthquakes, floods, etc. It is less likely to have casualties. But we see the day that everyone can afford these materials and to make the world a better place.


I strongly agree with the advances that are being discovered by geniuses every day, whose search for the wellbeing of all people around the world. Solving problems like water-wasting, desertification, climate change, erosion etc.  As we all want a bright future for the newest generations that are yet to come.


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