Friday, July 30, 2021

 Change for humanity

Technology is no longer a secondary thing, but an essential part of our lives.  As we are progressing, the creation of new technologies are introduced in society every year.  One of them are robots, there are different types: medical, disaster response, industrial and underwater.  Some may say that it will be a bad future if we are dominated by them, but in reality, they can be useful to people who risk their lives in the different jobs.

Some people are scared to be involved in a world with robots, but even though It can be because it is unknown, and humans feel the need to take control of all things. However, we should be more open-minded as they will be helpful in the future on things that humans thought impossible.  Robots are being developed by scientist, and there are various types.

On one side there are robots in the heavy Industries have more precision than humans on doing dangerous jobs in construction sites, in the manufacture field and more things that now humans aren’t needed as machines are faster and more effective. Another one to mention are the ones of Disaster response, these are in charge of seeing the situation from a deeper level, for example, there are developing a robotic spider, that is capable of identifying how many survivors are trapped.  And another one to mention is medical robots, they can be a subject of experiments, like for example to see if a product it is safe for humans (cars, planes, etc.), not only that but can perform surgeries.

Only a few were mentioned but we can’t deny the positive change that science is doing for our future and we can’t hide the excitement to see how the human kind reduces the problems of today.

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