Thursday, July 1, 2021

From North to South

From meeting in a coffee shop to bumping into each other in a concert, people get to know the person which whom, eventually, they will create a family. All families have their history and most of them have a particular way of being formed; mine isn't an exception. From North to South, fate brought my parents together and gave them the opportunity to bring to life what is our family today.

Since the very beginning of my family's history, my family has been characterized to be created in such unique means that one must think that it was definitely God's will what brought the couples in it, together. Three clear examples are my grandparents and parents. My mom's father lived in Puerto Barrios and her mom lived in Chiquimula. Destiny made them meet and they had my mom. Right after my grandparents got married, they moved to Puerto Barrios, where she grew up. Same thing happened with my father side of the family. His mom is from Sololá and his dad is from Antigua Guatemala. They met, got married, and had my dad. Happy for the birth of their son, my dad's parents moved to Escuintla, where my dad grew up.

After my mom and dad had lived their childhood in completely different places, each one decided to come to the city to have better opportunities and study at college. Without a clue that they would find their "other half", they started their studies at college. My mom was studying medicine and my dad was in laws. They met thanks to friends they had in common and started to hang out more often.

After a year or so, my mom changed her career because she found laws more exciting. My parents then got to spend even more time together. One day, they found out my mom was pregnant. Excited with the news, they moved to a guest house together and, two years later, they found the perfect home for me to grow up.  After my birth, my mom stayed at home for two years, taking care of me. Once my parents were okay with leaving me with a nanny, my mom got a job and finished law school.

Ten years passed by since I was born and one April afternoon my mom found out she was pregnant again. More than happy to know this, we waited for my sister until November. Another member in my little family. Time has passed by and my family has stayed the same until this day.

Twists and turns are included, for sure, in my family's history, but what if not it? It has been one of the most interesting love stories I have ever heard of, and, fun fact, I got to know the main characters.

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